Historia SALESmanago

Introduction: Why, What and for Whom we run SALESmanago

How we help marketing teams in eCommerce businesses

Company, People and Growth of SALESmanago business

The origins of the idea for SALESmanago, a software for marketing teams

Vision, Mission and the approach to running SALESmanago

Kluczowe funkcje

Customer Preference Center

Nowe Menu

Command Center

Loayalty management program

Opinie Klientów

BodyPak & SALESmanago

Poszetka & SALESmanago

Wyzwania marketerów eCommerce

eCommerce Marketing Challenges #1

Jak korzystać

Custom modal designer

Live chat

Search enginge turbocharger


Power up your first party data

Effective branding to win in the marketplace

Your last best experience becomes the minimum expectation for the next on

Social Media as a tool for selling in current world

Data Enablement Framework as a foundation for Value Creation in CX

Social Media as a tool for selling in current world

BLIK - best UX in online payments

Omnichannel marketing in e-commerce customer journey

Ventis: The new way to open-banking